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Monroe High School
MHS, MCAN partner for adviser position

May 23, 2017

Monroe High School is excited to work in concert with the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) to establish an AdviseMI Americorps adviser position in the building. The adviser’s focus is to guide students through the processes of college applications and financial aid, especially low-income or at-risk students, and will work very closely with the district’s post-secondary planners. As MHS already works so closely with its students to think critically about their futures after high school, this partnership will enhance the school’s mission.

"MHS works with the Michigan College Access Network to provide highly effective post-secondary opportunities for our students," Monroe High School Principal Sandra Kreps said. "We are looking for an individual to round out our three-person team of post-secondary planners that has worked with teenagers or adults in planning their next steps that include career, college, and military opportunities."

The partnership will offer even more support for students who are seeking guidance for the next steps in their lives.

"We are excited to partner with MCAN to help our students see the value and the attainability of post-secondary education," said Julie Everly, Monroe Public Schools Superintendent. "Monroe High School’s staff works diligently already to guide students to even brighter futures after graduation and this partnership will only serve to help promote their mission."

The AdviseMI program, established in 2015, works with schools across Michigan to help students who typically would not complete or even attempt college to succeed in post-secondary education. The advisers will specifically work with students who are working from low-income backgrounds. The Americorps-sponsored adviser, running from July 2017 to June 2018, is responsible for immersing him or herself into the community, encouraging and informing students on the possibilities and benefits of education beyond high school. The AdviseMI adviser will work closely with MHS counselors, administration, and post-secondary planners to bolster the school’s already stellar post-secondary work.

"Monroe High School offers its students and parents access to three post-secondary planners and three coordinators-guidance counselors that work with them for career preparation and planning, college selection and applications, and financial aid and scholarship assistance," Kreps said. "They have been an invaluable resource in being available to students and parents to help them understand FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) with this year’s updates."

MCAN has a goal to have 60% of students attain college by 2025. The network’s values define college as both academic degree programs and professional or technical certificate programs. The program views college as a necessity for everyone and a public good.

The position requires a bachelor’s degree from 2015-2017 from any of MCAN’s partner colleges or universities. High energy and creative applicants are encouraged to submit a resume, three references, and college transcripts to More information about responsibilities, compensation, and requirements can be found at

Wollschlaeger wins top BPA honors

May 23, 2017


Monroe High School senior Sven Wollschlaeger added to his already impressive business resume with a grSven Wollschlaegereat showing at the 2017 Business Professionals of America National Leadership Conference, held May 9-14. He placed first in a field of 552 other students nationally in Administrative Support Concepts, while also placing fourth out of 369 students in Computer Programming Concepts. Wollschlaeger was also in the top three percentile in Merit Scholar competition at the conference.

Wollschlaeger, who plans on attending the University of Michigan Ross School of Business in the fall, is the president of the Monroe High School Class of 2017 as well as the National Honor Society. Wollschlaeger also was the recipient of a Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders Academic Award of Excellence and was a scholar and researcher in the Leadership, Education, and Development (LEAD) Summer Business Institute.

Sophomore Anthony Levesque also did very well at the conference, placing second in the state and 29th in the nation in Personal Financial Management. Like Wollschlaeger, Levesque was also in the top three percentile in Merit Scholar competition at the conference.

"We are so proud of both Sven and Anthony," Said Monroe Public Schools superintendent Julie Everly. "Their success at such a high level is a true testament to their hard work and the quality of the programs and instruction we have in the district."

2017 Summer Learning Academy

April 13, 2017



Sign Up Here for the 2017 MPS Summer Learning Academy!!!


For the first time ever, all MPS students in grades Y5-8 may apply to participate in the Summer Learning Academy!!! Just like an athlete needs to exercise regularly to stay at the top of his game, so do students! During summer months students need to continue to exercise their brains, to keep the new connections made during the school year!!! The MPS Summer Learning Academy is designed around your child’s interests and academic needs; stretching every child’s reading, writing and math levels. It will be an opportunity for students to get a jump start on the upcoming school year and continue connections with friends over summer months.


Important Information

  • Summer Learning Academy meets from July 10-August 17
  • Hours are from 8:15am-12:15pm, Monday—Thursday
  • Free Breakfast and Lunch!


Registration Information

MHS Talent Show

March 17, 2017

Talent Show

Half Day of School

March 17, 2017

There will be a half-day of school for Monroe Public Schools students on Wednesday, March 22.  Pre-school at Riverside, along with Kids Club at Riverside and Custer, will operate on a regular schedule. 

MHS Teams With Make A Wish Foundation!

March 02, 2017

Monroe High School has partnered up with the Make-A-Wish Michigan organization!  All proceeds earned during the week of March 6th - March 10th, will help to grant the wishes of 5 Michigan families! 

A huge thanks to the MHS Student Council for all of their hard work in putting this event together!!

Here's a preview of our 'happenings' the week of March 6th:

Monday, March 6th:  Teacher vs. MHS Student Basketball Game - 6:00 PM in the MHS Gym

Tuesday, March 7th:  Junior and Senior boys will be participating in a 'Powderbuff' game at 7:00 PM.

Wednesday, March 8th:  MHS's Annual Dodgeball Tournament - 3:00 - 6:00 PM

Thursday, March 9th:  SPLT Carnival in the MHS Gym.  Ice cream sundaes will be sold during the carnival.  Assembly during TFT in the MHS Auditorium - any student that participated or attended the events throughout the week will receive a wristband as admission into the event.  During the assembly, the MHS Student Council will be presenting a check to Make-A-Wish Michigan!

In addition, t-shirts will be sold that week during all lunches for $10.00 each!



Yearbook Ordering Deadline is 2/24/17

February 23, 2017

Monroe High School Parents and Students:

This Friday, February 24th, is the last day to be guaranteed that your student will be receiving a yearbook.  You can order a yearbook online at

You can also call 877-767-5217 to place your order.

After February 24th, yearbook quantities will be limited.  Order today! 

SPLT Drug Awareness Parent Survey

February 23, 2017

Reducing Access to Prescription Medication in Monroe County

Student Prevention Leadership Teams (SPLT) are present in all twelve Monroe County High Schools.  The focus of Monroe County SPLT is to provide a peer to peer mentoring approach to increase education and awareness among students regarding the risks and consequences of substance use. Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan provides funding which allows Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan the opportunity to provide prevention programming to Monroe County youth.

As a parent of a Monroe county student, you are being asked to participate in a brief survey about the education you received from your student on prescription medication access.  Please take the time to complete the survey and support your student's efforts to increase awareness of how to reduce access to prescription medication.  This survey will be available through March 15, 2017.

The link to the Student Prevention Leadership Team survey is below:

We thank you for taking the time to participate!




Lincoln School/Harold Rapson Scholarship

February 02, 2017

Lincoln Elementary Scholarships are being offered to former Lincoln School students who have decided to continue their academic desires beyond K-12. Each five hundred dollar ($500.00) scholarship will be given to high school graduates who will be attending a college or university in the summer or fall following their high school graduation. The scholarship is to be used first to pay tuition and then to buy books. Checks will be made out to the university or college registrar in the name of the student.

Applications are available in the Career Center at Monroe High School.  Applications MUST be returned to Raisinville or Waterloo Elementary (attention Elise Hill) no later than Friday, May 19, 2017. Applications can also be emailed to