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Monroe Public Schools
2019 Summer Learning with Newby & Nunez

July 10, 2019

You are invited to sign up for sessions with Dan Newby and Lucy Nunez! These sessions are free to MPS employees. Family sessions are free to adults with a child registered at Monroe Public Schools.

For participants outside of Monroe Public Schools, the cost is $125 for one day sessions and $300 for 3-day institutes. Each 8:30-3:30 session includes a light breakfast and lunch. Evening family sessions are $30 per participant for adults outside of Monroe Public Schools.

Use the form below to reserve your spot today! 

Dan Newby

Y5 and Kindergarten Jump Start

June 25, 2019

Young Five and Kindergarten Jump Start: 


The 2019/2020 Young Five and Kindergarten Jump Start will take place on August 19th-22nd from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.   During these four sessions, our staff will welcome your child with a variety of activities that will help everyone to launch new friendships and form our community of learners. Teachers will utilize this time to make connections with your child and get to know him/her as an individual – academically and socially.  Families will have the choice to provide their own transportation, or if within our busing zone, utilize our Monroe Public Schools bus transportation for children to get to and from the Jump Start sessions.  Registration starts today!  To reserve your child’s place in Jump Start, or please call (734) 265-3100 and leave a message with your child’s name, school name, your contact information, and indicate if your child will be riding the bus or be transported by family.  All registrations must be received by Friday, August 9th.  You will receive a follow-up notification with additional details and bus information from your child’s school.



Young Five and Kindergarten Individual Assessment Sessions:


In addition to the four Jump Start sessions, families will schedule a Young Five and Kindergarten Individual Assessment Session for your child to come to school for some learning assessments.  These assessments will provide important information for the teacher to prepare for your child’s individual plan of instruction for the upcoming school year.   Assessment sessions will take place at various times between August 22nd  and August 30th.  We will do everything that we can to work with your family’s schedule.  To schedule your child’s appointment, please call the school office (phone numbers above) on August 12th and 12th between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.  Families will provide transportation to and from their child’s assessment appointment. 


We are looking forward to everyone participating in this wonderful opportunity.  Together, we will set the foundation for an amazing year of rich learning and growth for our children and school!

Yours truly,

The Monroe Public Schools Team


Arborwood Elementary Campus

Principal: Delsie Sissoko

Phone: (734) 265-3800


Custer Elementary Campus

Principal: Melissa Bell

Assistant Principal: James Miller

Phone: (734) 265-4300


Manor Elementary SCHOOL

Principal: Emily Bundon

Phone:  (734) 265-4700


Raisinville Elementary SCHOOL

Principal: Scott Hoppert

Phone:  (734) 265-4800


Waterloo Elementary School

Principal: Meghan Gibson

Phone:  (734) 265-5100

High School Summer Learning Academy

June 24, 2019

Monroe High School and Orchard Center High School students will have the opportunity to recover a required Math and/or ELA course that was not previously passed during the 2018/2019 school year or prior. *If your student has also not passed a science or social studies course we will add this to his or her summer schedule upon completion of the SLA application.
We are optimistic about continued growth in these areas and would like your student, to continue to work toward graduation requirements and individual goals during the summer at the MPS Summer Learning Academy. 

SLA begins Monday, July 8th. If you would like to sign up, please call (734) 265-3100.

Y5-8 Summer Learning Academy 2019

June 24, 2019

Again this year, all MPS students in grades Y5-8 may apply to participate in the Summer Learning Academy and have a summer camp experience!! Just like an athlete needs to exercise regularly to stay at the top of his/her game, so do students! During summer months students need to continue to exercise their brains, to keep the new connections made during the school year!!! The MPS Summer Learning Academy is designed around your child’s interests and academic needs; stretching every child’s reading, writing and math levels. It will be an opportunity for students to get a jump start on the upcoming school year, continue connections with friends over summer months, and engage in a fun summer camp. 

SLA begins Monday, July 8th. If you would like to sign up, please call (734) 265-3100.

Work-Based Learning Co-Op

June 23, 2019

Attention Monroe High School Juniors and Seniors:

Attention juniors and seniors. Employers have been contacting me daily about our work-based learning program. If you are interested in relating your pathway to a hands-on learning experience where you would be trained, paid, and earn money, please call me at 735-2075 soon. We would like to send you for interviews in August so you could start by the time school starts. Also, if you already have a position, please call to discuss. Thank you. Mrs. Joni Weaks, Coordinator.

Work-Based Learning (co-op/internships) is a great program that allows students that have completed or will be enrolled in a class first semester from our Career & Technical Education programs:

  • Business
  • Marketing
  • health occupations
  • trade & industrial

If you have a job or looking for a job that relates to your career pathway, please contact Mrs. Weaks (, D224, 265-3674) or Mr. Brown (, D222, 265-3674). You must have required class, good grades and attendance, transportation, and a positive attitude. Spots fill up fast, so take initiative and sign up soon. Also, applications will be available in the main office over the summer to apply. We look forward to working with you in the fall.  

Safety City 2019

June 07, 2019

Monroe Public Schools is proud to offer Safety City 2019 from June 17-June 28. There are two sessions available: 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-2:30 p.m. Cost is $65 per student. Eligible children must be currently attending Young 5's or Kindergarten or entering one of those programs in the Fall of 2019. For more information and to register, choose the file below.

SEC All-Academic Conference

April 18, 2019

Congratulations to MHS students Reece Lynch, Noah Boudrie, Luke Anteau, Evin Cooper, and Mitchell Carter, who were honored at the
SEC All-Academic Banquet this year!  This banquet recognizes the top 5 students at all 14 high schools in the SEC.  Students are chosen
based on overall academic progress including GPA and SAT score. Great job Trojans!  We are very proud! #wearemonroe #trojanstrong

SEC Conference 1

SEC Conference 2

MHS 'Wish Week' 2019

April 17, 2019


Sponsored by the MHS Student Council

  • Monday, April 22nd - Tacky Tourist Day!!
    • Dodgeball Tournament at 6:00 PM in the MHS Gym
  • Tuesday, April 23rd - Panera Fundraiser – 4:00-8:00 PM
    • Flyers available in Mr. Kimberlin’s Room A209 or via the Facebook post
    • Pink Out Volleyball Tournament at 6:00 PM in the MHS Gym
  • Wednesday, April 24th – Jersey Day!!
    • Student vs. Teacher Basketball Tournament at 6:00 PM in the MHS Gym
    • Sign-up’s during lunches


  • Thursday, April 25th – Farmer’s Day!!
    • Mr. Monroe Competition at 6:00 PM in the MHS Auditorium


  • Friday, April 26th – Disney Day!!
    • Chick-Fil-A during lunches!!
    • Olga’s Fundraiser (flyers available in Mr. Kimberlin’s Room A209 or via the Facebook post)


  • Saturday, April 27th – Soccer 3x3 Tournament!!
    • Tournament at 9:00 AM at Custer Fields – you can have up to 6 people on a team – cost to participate is $55.00 per team (please see a Student Council Member for details)


  • Monday, April 29th – Wish Week Assembly!!
    • During Achieve Time – presentation of check to Wish Week Recipient

2018-19 Spring Break Dates

March 13, 2019

Heads Up for Planning SPRING BREAK!

SCHOOL YEAR : 2018-2019

Spring Break Begins: April 1st
School Resumes: April 8th (Easter is April 21st and is NOT a part of the break)

Keep this in mind as you make any travel arrangements for Spring Break 2019.


The scheduling of Spring Breaks (and Winter ones, too) is arranged years in advance with common dates among all the schools in Monroe County. In the case of Spring Breaks, an attempt to include the Easter weekend is made as long as it does not conflict with the State's assessment testing window requirements. In 2018 it was not a problem, but the holiday falls much later in April of 2019. We realize that this is less than ideal for people that travel to spend Easter with families, but hope this advance notice allows you to have discussions with your family, brainstorm potential alternatives if necessary, and plan accordingly to avoid making reservations/buying tickets for the wrong dates.

Monroe WILL be observing Good Friday; There will be NO School scheduled for that day. School will resume Monday, April 22nd, after Easter. Hopefully, the long weekend will still provide an opportunity for families to gather for the Easter Holiday.



Please find attached the full school calendar for the 2018-19 School Year!



District Offices Closed until Noon 1/31

January 30, 2019

Due to the dangerous windchill warning, Monroe Public Schools Offices will be closed from today, Wednesday, January 30th through noon on Thursday, January 31st. Additionally, All Monroe Public Schools, Preschool and Kids Club are closed through January 31st. Please stay safe and warm!