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Monroe Middle School
Table Tennis thumbnail

Table Tennis


Thu, Nov 02, 2017 - Thu, Nov 02, 2017


03:00 PM to 04:15 PM


IES Admin

Table Tennis

Table Tennis- Do you like table tennis? Playing games? Are you interested in HAVING FUN? Then we have the club for you! Join Monroe Middle School’s table tennis (ping-pong) club! We meet in Room 320 every other Thursday, beginning October 5th. You must have a permission slip filled out by your guardian to stay after  school. You can get a permission slip from the 320 hallway or  from Office 10. SST buses are available for transportation home after the club. Questions? See Matthew B. (Team 8-C) Meghan M. (Team 8-B) or Zach W. (Team 8-B) for information. This is a FUN only!​​​​​​